2 May 2024
The Parliamentary Commission shall support an internship programme designed to provide learning and growth opportunities as well as professional experience to students of institutions of higher learning or universities.
The Internship programme will assist students in reaching their educational goals by giving them the opportunity to augment classroom training with exposure to the employment setting.
Students from the Law Development Center.
Students from various universities within and out of Uganda.
Required Documents
The Internship application shall include the following:
a. Letter from the university where the student is studying.
b. Statement of the specific area of interest.
c. Applicant’s learning expectations; and
d. Student’s contacts (telephone and email address).
Responsibilities in the Implementation of the Internship Programme
The Human Resource Department
The department shall receive all applications and screen them to ensure the following:
A letter from the higher institution of learning/university is attached.
That the higher institution of learning/university is recognised by the National Council for Higher Education of Uganda.
Internship is part of the student’s course requirement programme.
The department shall coordinate an induction programme for the interns which shall include administering an oath of secrecy among others.
The department shall deploy/place the interns in the respective departments.
Head of department
Provide to the interns an in-depth induction of department functions and activities as well as their relationship with the role the student intern will be performing.
Mentor interns by sharing knowledge, experience and guidance on how to advance their careers.
The supervisor
Each Intern Supervisor shall be responsible for:
Supervision and coaching of interns.
Performance, assessment, preparing progress reports and provide feedback on interns’ assignments.
Provide the requisite feedback to the intern’s university supervisor.
Internship Duration
The intake for student interns shall be thrice a year, that is, January to April, June to August and April to June. The April to June Intake is exclusively for the Law Development Centre student interns.
Interns Discipline and Grievance Handling
All interns shall conduct themselves in accordance with code of conduct and ethics of the Parliamentary Service.
Discipline and grievance matters relating to interns shall be handled in line with the discipline and grievance policy.
Application Procedure
For details contact the Human Resource Department on +256-414-377-370
Exit of Internship
All interns shall hand over to their supervisors, property of the institution in their possession.
An internship report shall be provided to the intern as required by their higher institution of learning/university.
The HR department shall schedule and conduct an exit interview to obtain feedback from the intern.